Dr. Siamak Eshaghian

In office dental anesthesia is an extremely satisfying experience for patients and dentists alike. Dr. Eshaghian is a board certified Dental Anesthesiologist who is proficient in anesthetic management and techniques as they are used in the dental setting. Dr. Eshaghian has extensive training and experience in treating a wide variety of patients. Dr. Eshaghian has treated thousands of adult and pediatric patients for specialty and general dental practices. Using the appropriate anesthetic technique, Dr. Eshaghian can ensure that patients are completely relaxed and comfortable or fully asleep as the dental treatments are completed.

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Services Overview

Dr. Eshaghian provides in office anesthesia services for dental practices in the following Southern California regions:

Contact Us

Please contact Dr. Eshaghian for any questions Siamak Eshaghian, D.D.S.

Telephone: +1 310-498-6424
FAX: +1 310-300-2145
E-mail: siamake@ucla.edu